How to use the Android/iOS application?

How to use the application and what features does it include?

First of all, download the application on the Google Play Store or iOS App Store.

Then launch the app and login with your Trest account. If you dont have an accout, you can signup at

Solar Page

The first thing you will see when you have logged in is this:

Here you can see some basic information about your Solar Grid, this data is transitted from the software running on your Raspberry Pi and is updated every minute.

All the fields explain themselves pretty good.

If you scroll down a little bit you will see a graph with the today and the day aheads energy prices. One important thing is that the day ahead energy prices get release at 12 a-clock UTC every day, so they will appear shortly after release.

It should look something like this:

All of the different 'colors' are described in the 'legend' below the chart. The actions of the different colors that does not include the name 'Override' is reffered to as 'Solar Bot Actions', which are the hours that the Bot selects automatically if it is enabled. And the actions containing the name 'Override' is the 'Override Actions' you, the user can set manually.

Every 'Blue' dot in the graph repressents an hour and its energy price, if they are just 'Blue' it means that it will use the energy mode 'Self Sustainable', and no specific 'Bot Action' or 'Override' is set.

If you want to override the action of any hour you can 'click' on 'blue' dot hour in the graph, then you will be shown a popup menu with a few different alternatives looking like this:

Here you can select your preffered 'Override' action, when you select an action, all of the hours ahead will get this selected action, this is by design to make it easier to bulk edit which hours you want to set your override hours. The option 'Inget' will remove all 'Override' actions from all of the hours ahead of the selected hour.

Setting Page

To view and edit the settings of the software running on your Raspberry Pi you can click on the 'Hambuger Menu' in the top right corner and click on 'Inställningar'

Then you will land on a page that looks like this:

Here you can modify the settings as you prefer. The description of the settings can be found on the 'Settings' page.

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